

Why We Need a Circular Economy to Tackle Climate Change

Column Renewable energy has seen unprecedented growth in recent years as the world fights climate change. However, exper...

[Summary] Study Group on the Disposal and Recycling of Renewable Energy Generation Facilities – 7th Meeting

Column On January 15, 2024, Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Ministry of the Environment (...

[Summary] Study Group on the Disposal and Recycling of Renewable Energy Generation Facilities – 6th Meeting

Study Group, Disposal, Recycling, Reuse, Renewable Energy Generation Facilities, Solar Panels, PV Modules, Circular Economy, METI, MOEJ, 6th Meeting, Japan

What is a Linear Economy?

Column In 2023, a global impact organization, Circle Economy, reported a staggering figure: the global economy today is ...

What is a Circular Economy?

Column Today, we live in a world driven by a linear economy based on a “take-make-waste” approach. With the earth’s reso...

Solar Incentives and Waste Regulations — South Africa

Column South Africa is one of Africa’s largest solar PV markets, reaching an installed PV capacity of 5.8GW in 20211. In...

Solar Energy Landscape — Africa

Column Africa has abundant sunshine, with most regions enjoying over 300 days of sunshine per year1. But how much solar ...

Photovoltaic (PV) Module Waste Regulations — Australia

Column In recent years, Australia has seen a sharp increase in solar installation. In fact, 12% of Australia’s electrici...

Public and private Initiatives to Address Photovoltaic (PV) Modules Waste — Japan

Column Since the introduction of the feed-in-tariff (FIT) system in 2012, Japan has seen a sharp increase in solar insta...

Photovoltaic (PV) Module Waste Regulations — Japan

Column Japan is expected to generate a large volume of PV module waste in the coming decades. The country is projected t...